
All your data access. One tool.

Integrate with cloud data providers

to centrally manage native data access controls, monitor access and usage, mask and filter data, and audit change.

Integrate with data catalogs

to leverage metadata to dynamically grant access, mask and filter data using Raito’s attribute based access controls (ABAC).

Integrate with identity providers

to manage and monitor data access and usage at the identity level and group level of users by centralizing and correlating all user accounts and user groups.

Integrate with DevOps

to shift data security left and create a separation of duties by letting data engineers define access as code, and dynamically grant access or mask data by tagging data as code.

Integrate with your workflows and collaboration tools

to let data consumers request access to data products from within their preferred tools without context switching.

Raito's architecture


Raito data security platform

Raito integrates with your cloud data platforms to streamline all data security workflows and is the only data security platform that lets you monitor, manage, and automate data security.


Monitor data access and usage, and audit change. Detect and remediate security risks.


Let data owners approve access requests and manage native access controls.


Use metadata to scale data security by dynamically granting access, masking, and filtering data.

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